We are a family…
You are not alone.
Parents of children with Down syndrome often find it even harder to find community and feel understood.
For Donna Davidson, Co-Founder and Director of the Alaska Down Syndrome Network, the first friend who really “got it” just so happened to be another pregnant mom waiting to meet her own baby with Down syndrome in the same Eagle River hospital wing. Their first gleam of connection and shared experience would pave the way for hundreds of Alaskan families just like yours to find a place to belong.
Since our first AKDSN meeting on April 16, 1986, we have been laughing, crying, learning, and loving life… together.
“Without friends made through the Chapter, life would be quite a bit lonelier - without someone you could share the crazy things that happen and laugh about them because they understand completely.”
Donna Davidson
Co-Founder and Director of the Alaska Down Syndrome Network
A note from Donna,
We’ve grown from potlucks with a few like-minded parents to over 120 families and Area Representatives around the state!
While our official chapter name is still the Alaska Chapter National Down Syndrome Congress, we’ve been doing business as the Alaska Down Syndrome Network since 2018.
We’re a 501(c)3 nonprofit, and membership is open to all individuals with Down syndrome, their families, educators, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in making a difference in the lives of those with Down syndrome.
Evelyn Moss and Donna started with a potluck in Eagle River. Bit by bit, it became a group. When 14 babies were born in Anchorage in one year, there were enough parents (including a lawyer) to create a formal, registered non-profit. As they say, the rest is history....