What’s happening
in our neighborhood?
Find your favorite thing to look forward to! We host local events for our friends with Down syndrome and their families.

Monthly Events
Transition Series
The Transition Series is a 6-session series on preparing for adulthood, organized by Stone Soup Group and Alaska Down Syndrome Network.
Souper Gaming Night
Held Monthly
For Anchorage area families, the Stone Soup Group (SSG) hosts a monthly social night for teens and young adults.
Parent Learning Hour
Held Monthly
Parent Learning Hour focuses on school-related topics for parents who have children receiving special education services. Hosted by the Stone Soup Group (SSG).
Upcoming Events!
We’ve always got something going on.
AKDSN events are designed to help our friends in the Down syndrome community learn, connect, and thrive, so check out our calendar and mark yours. We’ll see ya there!
Upcoming Events: